2. Race

Races are generally randomized from the table below:

2.1. Race & Social Status

RaceRoll CultureRoll
Hobbit01-03 Dúnadan01-05
  Fallohide   Arthadan
  Harfoot   Cardolan
  Stoor   Gondorian
Umit04-08   Rhudaurian
Dwarf09-21 Éothraim06-10
Drúadan22-25 Beijabar11-15
Man *26-65 Woodman16-20
Peredhel66 Dorwinadan21-25
Man *67-78 Lossadan26-30
Silvan Elf79-91 Rural Man31-50
Sinda92-97   Eriadan51-54
Noldo98-00     Cardolan N'man
* When this result is rolled,     Gramuz
roll again from "Culture"-     Gwathlo Bargeman
table.    Pinnath Ceren N'man
Social Status TableRoll     Eriadan-Dúnadan mix
Former Slave / none01 Urban Man55-78
Lower Lower Class / 1 cp02-09 Arhunadan79-83
Middle Lower Class / 5 cp10-35   Dunlending
Upper Lower Class / 2 bp36-45   Hillman
Lower Middle Class / 12 bp46-55   Sarailann Clansman
Middle Middle Class / 5 sp57-70 Talatharim84-86
Upper Middle Class / 2 gp71-80   Easterling
Lower Upper Class / 8 gp81-92   Wainrider
Middle Upper Class / 25 gp93-97 Haradan87-89
Upper Upper Class / 50 gp98-99   Northern
Royalty / 100 gp00   Southern
Variag 93-95
Black Númenórean96-00

2.2. Racial Stat Bonuses

Arhunerim are Dunlendings, Hillmen and Sarailenn Clansmen,
Common Men are Rural- & Urban Men
Eriedain are Beijabar, Cardolani N'men, Dorwinrim, Éothraim,
Estaravi, Gramuz, Gwathlo Bargemen, Pinnath Ceren N'men, Rivermen, Woodmen
and Eriadan - Dúnadan mix
High Men are Arthedaini, Black Númenórean, Cardolani, Gondorians, 
Rhudaurians and Umbareans (Corsairs)
Talatherim are Easterlings, Variags and Wainriders
Easterlings are Asdriags, Odhriags and Kykurias
Wainriders are Sagaths, Gathmarigs and Brygaths
More to come...

|   Race      | CO | AG | SD | ME | RE | ST | QU | PR | EM | IN | 
|Arhunerim    |  0 |  5 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  5 |  5 | -5 |  0 |  0 | 
|Common Men   |  0 |  0 |  5 |  0 |  0 |  5 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |
|Eriedain     |  5 |  0 |  5 |  0 |  0 |  5 |  0 |  5 |  0 | -5 |
|Haradrim, N  |  0 |  0 |  5 |  0 |  0 |  5 |  5 | -5 |  0 |  0 |
|Haradrim, S  |  5 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  5 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |
|High Men     |  5 |  0 |  5 |  0 |  0 | 10 |  0 |  5 |  0 |  0 |
|Lossoth      |  5 |  0 |  5 |  0 |  0 |  5 |  0 | -5 |  0 |  0 |
|Talatherim   |  0 |  0 |  5 |  0 |  0 |  5 |  0 | -5 |  5 |  0 | 
|Woses        |  5 |  5 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 | -5 |  0 |  5 | 
|Half         |  5 |  0 |  0 |  5 |  0 |  5 |  5 |  5 |  0 |  0 |
|Noldor       |  5 |  5 |  5 |  5 |  5 |  5 | 10 | 10 |  5 |  0 |
|Silvan       |  0 | 10 | -5 |  5 |  0 |  0 | 10 |  0 |  5 |  0 |
|Sindar       |  5 |  5 |  0 |  5 |  0 |  5 | 10 |  5 |  5 |  0 |  
|(Vanyar)     | 10 | 10 | 10 |  5 |  5 |  5 | 20 | 20 | 10 |  5 |
|Halfings:    | CO | AG | SD | ME | RE | ST | QU | PR | EM | IN |
|- Harfoots   | 15 | 10 | -5 |  0 |  0 |-10 | 10 |-10 |  0 |  0 |
|- Stoors     | 15 | 10 | -5 |  0 |  0 | -5 | 10 |-10 |  0 |  0 |
|- Fallohides | 15 | 10 |  0 |  0 |  0 |-10 | 10 | -5 |  0 |  0 |
|Dwarves      | 10 |  0 | 10 |  0 |  0 | 10 | -5 | -5 |-10 |  0 | 
|Umli         | 10 |  0 |  5 |  0 |  0 |  5 |  0 | -5 | -5 |  0 | 
|       -*These are not available for player races:*-           |
|(Common Orcs)| 15 | -5 |-20 |-10 |-10 |  5 |  5 |-10 |-15 |-10 |
|(Gusmûras)   | 15 |  0 |-10 | -5 | -5 |  5 |  5 |-10 |-15 | -5 |
|(Half Orcs)  |  5 |  0 | -5 |  0 |  0 |  5 |  0 | -5 |  0 | -5 |
|(Uruk-Hai)   | 20 |  0 | -5 |  0 |  0 | 10 |  0 |-10 |-15 | -5 |
|Cave Trolls  |
|Half Trolls  | 10 | -5 | -5 | -5 | -5 | 10 | -5 | -5 | -5 | -5 |
|Hill Trolls  |
|Olog-Hai     | 15 |  0 |  0 | -5 | -5 | 20 |  0 | -5 |-10 |-10 |
|Snow Trolls  |
|Stone Trolls |
|Wood Trolls  |

|    Race     |Ess.|Cha.|Men.|Poi.|Dis.|Soul|HPdX|RecX|MxHP|BROP|
|Arhunerim    |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 | 12 |d8  |  1 |110 |  5 | 
|Common Men   |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 | 12 |d8  |  1 |120 |  6 | 
|Eriedain     |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  5 | 12 |d10 |  1 |140 |  5 |
|Haradrim, N  |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 | 12 |d8  |  1 |120 |  6 |
|Haradrim, S  |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 | 12 |d8  |  1 |120 |  6 |
|High Men     | 10 | 10 | 20 |  0 | 25 | 10 |d10 | .7 |150 |  4 |
|Lossoth      |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  5 | 12 |d10 |  1 |120 |  4 |
|Talatherim   |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 | 12 |d8  |  1 |110 |  5 |
|Woses        |  5 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  5 | 12 |d10 | .8 |130 |  4 |
|Half         | 20 | 20 | 20 |  5 | 50 |  4 |d8  |  1 |120 |  4 |
|Noldor       | 50 | 50 | 50 | 10 |100 |  2 |d10 |  1 |130 |  2 |
|Silvan       | 30 | 30 | 30 | 10 |100 |  3 |d8  |  1 |100 |  4 |
|Sindar       | 40 | 40 | 40 | 10 |100 |  2 |d8  |  1 |120 |  3 |
|(Vanyar)     | 60 | 60 | 60 | 10 |100 |  1 |d10 |  1 |140 |  2 |
|Halflings    |Ess.|Cha.|Men.|Poi.|Dis.|Soul|HPdX|RecX|MxHP|BROP|
|- Harfoots   | 40 | 40 | 40 |  5 | 25 | 18 |d8  | .5 | 90 |  5 |
|- Stoors     | 40 | 40 | 40 |  5 | 30 | 18 |d8  | .5 |100 |  5 |
|- Fallohides | 40 | 40 | 40 | 10 | 40 | 15 |d8  | .7 | 90 |  4 |
|Dwarves      | 40 | 40 | 40 | 10 | 30 | 18 |d10 | .5 |120 |  5 |
|Umli         |  5 |  5 |  5 |  5 | 15 | 14 |d8  | .8 |120 |  5 |
|(Common Orcs)|  0 |  0 |  0 | 20 |  5 |  1 |d8  | .5 |120 |  5 |
|(Gusmûras)   |  0 |  0 |  0 | 20 |  5 |  1 |d10 | .5 |130 |  4
|(Half Orcs)  |  0 |  0 |  0 | 10 |  0 |  6 |d8  | .5 |120 |  5 |
|(Uruk-Hai)   |  0 |  0 |  0 | 20 |  5 |  1 |d10 | .5 |150 |  4 |
|Cave Trolls  |
|Half Trolls  |
|Hill Trolls  |
|Olog-Hai     |
|Snow Trolls  |
|Stone Trolls |
|Wood Trolls  |

2.3. Special Bonuses for Races & Cultures

Bonuses are taken from RMSS & MERP 2nd Edition. If race has some special bonus, it taken as it is. Everyman -skills from RMSS gives +5 to a skill with special bonus mentioned in MERP and +15 to those not mentioned. Bonuses are cumulative. Some of bonuses are figured out by racial description (e.g. Halflings and +25 to Stalk & Hide).

Arthedaini: +15 to Herb Lore, Use/Remove Poisons, Use Prepared Herb, Leadership; -15 to Begging
Asdriags: +20 to Animal Training (Horses), Animal Handling (Horses), Riding (Horse), Beast Mastery (Horse); +10 to OB when fighting from a horse or chariot; +10 Driving (Chariot)
Beijabar: +15 to Animal Handling, Animal Training and Beast Mastery (Bears).
Black Númenóreans: +25 to Sailing, Boat Piloting and Navigation; +10 to OB, -10 to DB
Brygaths: ???
Cardolani High Men: +15 to Diplomacy, Perception, Lie Perception, Heraldry, Leadership; -15 to Begging
Cardolani North Men: None
Dale-Folk: +15 to Streetwise and Scrounge
Dorwinrim: +30 to RR versus Poisons; +15 to Acting and Public Speaking; +10 for Rowing and Trading
Drels: ???
Dunlendings: +20 to Acrobatics, Acting, Climbing, Public Speaking
Dwarves: +25 to Caving; +21 Exhaustion Points; +15 to Leather-Craft, Metal Craft, Mining, Stone Craft, Survival (Underground); -50 to Swimming
Éothraim: +25 to Animal Training (Horse), Animal Handling (Horse), Riding (Horse), Beast Mastery (Horse); +20 OB when fighting from Horseback
Esteravi: +15 to Flora- & Fauna Lore
Gathmarigs: ???
Gondorians: +15 to Military Organization, Heraldy, Leadership; -15 to Begging
Gramuz: +15 to Flora- and Fauna Lore
Gwathlo Bargemen: +10 to Boat Piloting, Rowind and Swimming
Half-Elves: None
Halflings: +25 to Stalking and Hiding; +15 to Tale Telling, Caving (Halfling-Holes), 5 Craft -skills.
Haradrim, Northern: None
Haradrim, Southern: None
Hathorians: ???
Hillmen: +20 to Acrobatics, Public Speaking, Acting; +15 Driving, Hunting, Play Instrument, Poetic Improvisation, Singing, Tale Telling
Jäämiehet: +25 to Sense: Smell; +15 to Driving: Dogsled, Hunting; +10 to Perception
Kirani: ???
Kykurians: +20 to Animal Training (Horses), Animal Handling (Horse), Riding (Horse), Beast Mastery (Horse); +10 to OB when fighting from a horse or chariot, +10 Driving (Chariot)
Lake-Men: +15 to Streetwise and Scrounge; +10 to Swimming and Rowing
Lumimiehet: +25 to Sense: Smell; +15 to Driving: Dogsled, Hunting; +10 to Perception
Merimetsästäjät: +25 to Sense: Smell; +10 to Perception
Mûmakani: ???
Noldor: +25 to Meditation; +20 for Attunement; +15 to all Craft -skills, Healing Meditation, Healing Songs
Odhriags: +20 to Animal Training (Horses), Animal Handling (Horses), Riding (Horse), Beast Mastery (Horse); +10 to OB when fighting from a horse or chariot; +10 Driving (Chariot)
Pels: ???
Pinnath Ceren Northmen:
Rhudaurians: +15 to Leadership, Diplomacy, Perception; -15 to Begging
Rivermen: +10 to Boat Piloting, Rowing and Swimming
Rural Men: +15 to Fauna- and Flora Lore
Sagath: ???
Sarailenn Clansmen: ???
Sharaeki: ???
Silvan Elves: +15 to Meditation; +15 to Music, Singing, Play Instrument, Trickery, Wood Crafting; +10 to Bardic Spell Attacks; +10 Stalking and Hiding
Sindar: +25 for Boat-crafting and Meditation; +20 for Boat Piloting, Sailing
Umbareans: +25 to Rope Mastery, Rowing, Sailing, Star Gazing; +20 to Boat Piloting, Navigation, Weather Watching; +10 Swimming
Umli: +15 to Boat Piloting, Caving, Foraging, Hunting, Leather-Crafts, Metal-Crafts, Mining
Urban Men: +15 to Scrounge and Streetwise
Urd: ???
Variags: +20 to Animal Training (Horse / Camel), Animal Handling (Horse / Camel), Riding (Horse / Camel), Beast Mastery (Horse / Camel); +10 to OB when fighting from a horseback; +5 to OB when fighting from a camelback
Woodmen: +25 to Climbing; +20 to Acrobatics; +15 to Foraging, Hiding, Hunting, Tracking
Wôlim: ???
Woses: +30 to Tracking, Sense: Smell; +20 for Foraging; +15 to First Aid
More to come!

2.4. Weapons Available

Arhtedaini: ???
Asdriags: Bola, dagger, javelin, scimitar, short bow, short sword, sling, long sword, usriev.
Beijabar: Dagger, handaxe, broadsword, club, mace, whip, bola, short bow, sling, quarterstaff, woodsman's axe, cudgel, jó, cabis, spear.
Black Númenóreans: Dagger, scimitar, broadsword, short sword, mace, morning star, composite bow, battle-axe, flail, quarterstaff, two-handed sword, lance, spear, bastard sword, cat of nine tails, falchion, harpoon, pole arm, long sword, shang.
Brygaths: ???
Cardolani High Men:
Cardolani Northmen: Dagger, handaxe, club, throwing dagger, sling, quarterstaff, fishing spear.
Dorwinrim: Battle-axe, broadsword, club, dagger, halbard, javelin, long bow, quarterstaff, scimitar, short bow, sling, two-handed sword, irgaak, jó, katana, long sword, no-dachi, throwing stars.
Dunlendings: Broadsword, club, dagger, handaxe, javelin, short bow, spear, cudgel, baw, cabis.
Dwarves: Dagger, handaxe, short sword, club, warhammer, mace, battle-axe, spear, throwing axe, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, war mattock, pole arm.
Éothraim: Broadsword, dagger, lance, composite bow, long knife, light lance, heavy lance, long sword.
Esteravi: Dagger, handaxe, club, throwing dagger, sling, quarterstaff, fishing spear.
Gramuz: Dagger, handaxe, club, throwing dagger, sling, quarterstaff, fishing spear.
Gwathlo Bargemen: Dagger, handaxe, club, throwing dagger, sling, quarterstaff, fishing spear.
Half-Elves: Dagger, broadsword, long sword, war hammer, mace, morning star, composite bow, crossbow, battle-axe, flail, quarterstaff, two-handed sword, lance, spear, falchion, main gauche, rapier, dag, heavy crossbow, war mattock, bastard sword, boar spear.
Halflings: Dagger, handaxe, short sword, club, short bow, sling, blackjack, jó, pilum, throwing stars.
Haradrim, Northern: Dagger, scimitar, short bow, short sword, spear, blow gun, boomerang, throwing dats.
Haradrim, Southern: Dagger, scimitar, short bow, short sword, spear, blow gun, boomerang, throwing dats.
Jäämiehet: Dagger, javelin, short sword, spear, harpoon, ice knife, fishing net, ice axe, trident.
Merimetsästäjät: Dagger, javelin, short sword, spear, harpoon, ice knife, fishing net, ice axe, trident.
Noldor: Dagger, broadsword, mace, composite bow, long bow, flail, two-handed sword, quarterstaff, javelin, lance, falchion, foil, main gauche, rapier, bastard sword, irgaak, kynac, long kynac.
Odhriags: Bola, dagger, javelin, scimitar, short bow, short sword, sling, long sword, usriev.
Pinnath Ceren Northmen: Dagger, handaxe, club, throwing dagger, sling, quarterstaff, fishing spear.
Sagath: Bola, dagger, javelin, scimitar, short bow, short sword, sling, long sword, usriev.
Silvan: Dagger, handaxe, broadsword, short sword, whip, bola, long bow, short bow, quarterstaff, two-handed sword, javelin, spear, main gauche, shang, rapier, gé, kynac, boomerang, net, boar spear, throwing stars.
Sindar: Dagger, broadsword, composite bow, long bow, flail, quarterstaff, two-handed sword, javelin, spear, kynac, falchion, foil, dag, main gauche, rapier, bastard sword, gé, yarkbalka.
Umbareans: Dagger, scimitar, broadsword, short sword, mace, morning star, whip, bola, composite bow, long bow, short bow, flail, quarterstaff,two-handed sword, lance, spear, bastard sword, boar spear, cat of nine tails, cutlass, falchion, harpoon, main gauche, net, pole arm, sabre.
Umli: Dagger, handaxe, short sword, club, war hammer, mace, whip, bola, composite bow, short bow, sling, battle-axe, flail, quarterstaff, javelin, spear, knife, war mattock, harpoon.
Variags: Bola, dagger, javelin, scimitar, short bow, sling, knife, horse bow, usriev.
Woodmen: Club, dagger, handaxe, long bow, quarterstaff, short sword, sling, woodman's axe, throwing darts, knife, spear.
Woses: Club, dagger, handaxe, mace, quarterstaff, spear, war mattock, blowgun, jó, throwing darts, pipebow.

2.5. Languages (Spoken/Written)

  • Arthedaini:
    • Westron 7/7
    • Sindarin 6/6 Adolescence Development:
    • Adunaic 5/10
    • Westron 10/10
    • Sindarin 10/10
    • Quenya 5/5
    • Dunael 5/0
    • Labba 4/0
  • Beijabar:
    • Atliduk 7/7
    • Waildyth 7/0
    • Northron 7/7
    • Nahaiduk 7/7 Adolescence Development:
    • Logathig 6/6
    • Sindarin 6/6
    • Bethteur 5/4
  • Black Númenóreans:
    • Adûnaic 7/7
    • Westron 7/7
    • Haradaic 7/7 Adolescence Development:
    • Apysaic 7/7
  • Cardolani Northmen:
    • Westron 7/7 Adolescence Development:
    • Kuduk 6/6
  • Corsairs:
    • Adûnaic 7/7
    • Westron 7/7
    • Haradaic 6/6 Adolescence Development:
    • Apysaic 6/6
    • Atliduk 5/4
    • Nahaiduk 5/4
    • Éothrik 5/4
  • Dorwinrim:
    • Sagathig 7/7
    • Northron 7/7
    • Bethteur 5/4 or Sindarin 5/4 Adolescence Development:
    • Atliduk 6/6
    • Haradaic 5/4
    • Labba 5/0
    • Nahaiduk 6/6
    • Varadja 5/4
    • Reiksfrathig 7/7
    • Logathig 6/6
  • Dunlendings:
    • Dunael 6/0 (for bards 7/0)
    • Westron 6/6 Adolescence Development:
    • Éothrik 6/6
  • Dwarves:
    • Khuzdul 7/7
    • Westron 7/7 or Northron 7/7 or Bethteur 5/4 or Sindarin 5/4 Adolescence Development:
    • Atliduk 5/4
    • Dunael 2/0
    • Logathig 5/4
    • Nahaiduk 5/4
  • Easterlings:
    • Firasfradja 7/7
    • Northron 4/3 Adolescence Development:
    • Apysaic 5/4
    • Morbeth 6/6
    • Haradaic 5/4
    • Varadja 6/6
    • Reiksfrathig 7/7
    • Logathig 6/6
  • Éothraim:
    • Eothrik 7/7
    • Northron 7/7
    • Dunael 2/0 Adolescence Development:
    • Adûnaic 5/4
    • Atliduk 6/6
    • Logathig 5/4
    • Nahaiduk 6/6
  • Esteravi:
    • Estaravik 7/7 Adolescence Development:
    • Norhtron 6/6
  • Gondorians:
    • Westron 7/7
    • Sindarin 7/7 Adolescence Development:
    • Adunaic 4/8
    • Westron 10/10
    • Sindarin 7/7
    • Quenya 4/4
  • Gramuz:
    • Gramuik 7/7 Adolescence Development:
    • Northron 6/6
  • Gwathlo Bargemen:
    • Westron 7/7 Adolescence Development:
    • Kuduk 6/6
  • Half-Elves:
    • Sindarin 7/7
    • Westron 7/7 or Northron 7/7
    • Quenya 5/4 Adolescence Development:
    • Adûnaic 6/6
    • Bethteur 6/6
  • Half Orcs:
    • Westron 7/7 or Northron 7/7
    • Tribal Gûjâb 5/4
    • Morbeth 4/2 Adolescence Development:
    • Dunael 5/0
    • Morbeth 6/6
    • Tribal Gûjâb 6/4
    • Areal Gûjâb 6/4 (Misty Mountains orc) or 6/6 (Mordorean orc)
    • Gûjâb 5/2 (Misty M. orc) or Nî-Gûjâb (Mord.) 6/6
  • Haradrim (Northern/Southern):
    • Haradaic 7/7 ; Apysaic 7/7
    • Westron 7/7 ; Westron 5/4
    • Apysaic 6/6 ; Haradaic 5/4 Adolescence Development:
    • Logathig 6/6
    • Varadja 5/4
  • Hobbits:
    • Westron 7/7 Adolescence Development:
    • Adûnaic 6/6
    • Kuduk 7/7
    • Sindarin 6/6
  • Lossoth:
    • Labba 7/0 Adolescence Development:
    • Westron 4/3
    • Sindarin 4/3
    • Atliduk 4/3
    • Logathig 5/4
  • Noldor:
    • Quenya 7/7
    • Sindarin 7/7
    • Westron 7/7 or Northron 7/7 Adolescence Development:
    • Adûnaic 5/4
    • Labba 5/0
    • Bethteur 6/6
  • Pinnath Ceren Northmen:
    • Westron 7/7 Adolescence Development:
    • Kuduk 6/6
  • Rhudaurians:
    • Westron 7/7
    • Sindarin 2/2 OR Dunael 4/0 Adolescence Development:
    • Adunaic 3/6
    • Westron 10/10
    • Sindarin 5/5
    • Dunael 8/0
    • Blarm 7/1
    • Morbeth 7/7
    • Logathig 7/7
  • Rivermen:
    • Westron 7/7 Adolescence Development:
    • Kuduk 6/6
  • Rural Men
    • Westron 7/7 or Northron 7/7 Adolescence Development:
    • Kuduk 6/6 or Sindarin 6/6
  • Silvan Elves:
    • Bethteur 7/7
    • Sindarin 7/7
    • Westron 6/6 or Norhtron 6/6
    • Quenya 4/3 Adolescence Development:
    • Adûnaic 4/3
    • Atliduk 6/6
    • Logathig 6/6
    • Nahaiduk 6/6
  • Sindar:
    • Sindarin 7/7
    • Westron 7/7
    • Bethteur 6/6
    • Quenya 5/4 Adolescence Development:
    • Adûnaic 5/4
    • Atliduk 6/6
    • Logathig 6/6
    • Nahaiduk 6/6
    • Éothrik 5/4
  • Urban Men:
    • Westron 7/7 or Northron 7/7 Adolescence Development:
    • Adûnaic 6/6
    • Haradaic 6/6
    • Sindarin 6/6
  • Umli:
    • Umli 7/7 Adolescence Development:
    • Labba 4/0
    • Westron 4/3
    • Khuzdul 2/0
    • Logathig 4/3
    • Bethteur 5/4
    • Umitic 7/7
  • Variags:
    • Varadja 7/7
    • Haradaic 5/4
    • Westron 4/3 Adolescence Development:
    • Logathig 6/6
  • Wainriders:
    • Sagathig 7/7
    • Norhtron 4/3 Adolescence Development:
    • Apysaic 5/4
    • Morbeth 6/6
    • Haradaic 5/4
    • Varadja 6/6
    • Reiksfrathig 7/7
    • Logathig 6/6
  • Woodmen:
    • Nahaiduk 7/7
    • Northron 4/3
    • Sindarin 4/3 Adolescence Development:
    • Atliduk 6/6
    • Logathig 6/6
  • Woses:
    • Pûkael 7/0 Adolescence Development:
    • Westron 6/6
    • Dunael 6/0

  • 2.6. Notes about languages

    Westron or Northron?

    Westron is spoken on the southwestern side of Misty Mountains - Fangorn - Anduin - Dagorlad - Ash Mountains. Northron is spoken on northern and eastern side of that "line".

    Eriedain Languages:
                             Westron  ---------+
                  +--------- Northron ---------+
               A  |
             |    |
           I |    +--------- Gramuik
        |    |
        |    +-------------- Éothrik
        |      B
        |              +---- Estaravik
        |              | 
        |         +----+
        |         |    |
        |      C  |    +---- Neneduk
        |    +----+
        |    |    |
        | II |    +--------- Nahaiduk
             | D
             +-------------- Atliduk 

    Individuals, who speak dialects within the same primary branch (eg. I or II), can comprehend each other at -3/-4 language ranks (max 4/3) and are able to learn other dialects in the same primary branch at twice the normal rate. Westron should be treated as if it is in a primary branch solely with Northron. Additionally, Éothrik is considered to be in both primary branch I and II.

    Individuals, who speak dialects within the same secondary branch (eg. A, B, C, D), can comprehend each other at -2/-3 language ranks (max 5/4) and are able to learn other dialects in the same secondary branch at three times the normal rate.

    Talatherim languages (w/o Varadja):
                         A       |
                 |               |
        I        |               +--Kykurija
    Logathig ----+
                 |                +--Sagathig
                 |        B       |

    Individuals, who speak dialects within the same primary branch (eg. I) are able to learn other dialects in the same primary branch at twice the normal rate.

    Individuals, who speak dialects within the same secondary branch (eg. A, B) are able to learn other dialects in the same secondary branch at three times the normal rate.

    Individuals, who speak tribal dialects comprehend areal dialect at -2/-3 (max 5/4) and Logathig at -3/-4 (max 4/3). Individuals, who speak areal dialect comprehend Logathig at -2/-3 (max 5/4) - and vice versa.

    Arhunerim languages:

    Individuals, who speak either dialect are able to learn the other dialect at twice the normal rate, and comprehend the other dialect at -4/- (max 3/-).

    Orcish languages:
                                  Tribal Languages
                   A             +----Uruk Lûgât
                  |              +----
             I    |             
                  |B             +----Ashkai 
        |         |              +----
        |         |              +----
        |         |                          
        |         |C             +----Bagronkuz
        |         +--Ul-Gûjâb----+----Lughoth
        |                        +----
        |                        +----
        |                          +--Duruk-Burnîz
        |             D            +--
        |            +--Bal-Gûjâb--+--
        |    II      |             +--
        |            |
        +--Nî-Gûjâb--+             +--Drepa-Hai
                     |E            +--

    Individuals, who speak dialects within the same primary branch (eg. I or II) are able to learn other dialects in the same primary branch at twice the normal rate.

    Individuals, who speak dialects within the same secondary branch v(eg. A, B, C, D, E) are able to learn other dialects in the same secondary branch at three times the normal rate.

    Individuals, who speak tribal dialects comprehend areal dialect at -2/-4 (max 4/0) and Gûjâb or Nî-Gûjâb at -4/-4 (max 2/0). Individuals, who speak areal dialect comprehend Gûjâb at -2/-4 (max 4/0) or Nî-Gûjâb at -2/-4 (max 4/2) - and vice versa.

    Individuals, who speak Westron, Northron, and any Gûjâb dialect comprehend each other at -4/- (Max 2/0).

    2.7. Some Language Tables

    First section

    Begin your trace from Hildor.

    |--Dúnedain -|
                 |--Edain  ----|--Lintador -|
                 |             |            |
                 |  Arhûnerim -|            |
                 |             |            |
                 |             |            |
    |--Eriedain -|  Drúedain --|            |
    |--Womaw  ---|--Avarim ----|            |
                               |            |
    -------------|--Harnerim --|            |--Hildor
                               |            |
       Lossoth --|--Mornerim --|            |
    |--Urdar   --|             |            |
       Aigar   --|             |            |
                               |--Aravarod -|
    |                          |
    |--Ioriags --|             |
    |            |             |
    |            |             |
    |            |             |
    |            |             |
    |            |             |
    -------------|             |
       Horl    --|             |
       Raliani --|--Linerim ---|
    |--Adeknar --|

    Second Section

    Second section continues from first one.

                                   Umbareans  -|
                                   Saruleans  -|
                                   Elornans   -|--Black Númenórians -|
                                   Ciryedain  -|                     |--Dúnedain -|
                                   Mirëdorans -|                     |            |
                                                                     |            |
    Arthedaini  -|                                                   |            |
    Cardolani   -|--Arnorians  -|------------------------------------|            |
    Rhudaurians -|  Gondorians -|                                                 |
                                .              |---Eriadoran Nthmen -|--Eriedain -|
                                ...Rhovanion ------------------------|
                                                   Brodim  ----------|
                                                   Aegaw   ----------|
                                                   Lochaw  ----------|--Womaw ----|
                                                   Argaw   ----------|
                                                   Vulmaw  ----------|
                                                   Tuktani ----------|
    Kirani   ----|                 Múmakani ---|                     |
    Apysani  ----|--Haradrim ---|-------------------------------------------------|
    Northern ----|                                                   -------------|
    Haradaic                                                         |
                                                                     |  Lossoth --|
                                                   Angcla------------|--Urdar ----|
                                                                     |  Aigar ----|
                                                   Variags  ---------|
                                                   Asdriags ---------|--Ioriags --|
                                                   Nûriags  ---------|
                                                   Nûrniags ---------|
                                   Îgat     ---|
                                   Logath   ---|---Ulgath -----------|
                                   Sagath   ---|                     |
                                   Urgath   ---|                     |
                    Tyr    -----|                                    |
    Aca      ----|--Ibavi  -----|  Chey   -----|                     |
                    Ahar   -----|-------------------------------------------------|
                    Shay   -----|
    Bulchya  ----|--Chy    -----|
                                                                        Horl    --|
                                                                        Raliani --|
                                                   Alduryakna --------- Adekdar --|

    LanguageGenerationVocabulary BaseTerritorial FocusComments
    Adek5Western Amer. Ind.SE Central-
    Adûnaic4HebrewFar West-
    Aharin5AltaicE Central-
    Aravadorin3Proto Indo-Eur.E-
    Argawin5Eastern Amer. Ind.Far East-
    Arhûnerim4Proto GothicW Central-
    Asdraja6BulgarianW Central-
    Blarm6?NWSee Arnor: The People
    Chejan5Old PersianCentral-
    Chyan5AryanS Central-
    Daenael5Pictish / CaledonianNW-
    Dunael6Scots GaelicNW-
    Eldarin2Old FinnishN-
    Eothric5Gothic?NWSee Riders of Rohan
    Folyavuldok6?NW/CentralSee The Inland Sea
    Foradanin5OstrogothicNW Central-
    Gramisa6?NWSee Mirkwood
    Haradaic6Serbo-CroatianSW Central-
    Haradanin5?SW Central-
    Horlek5Western Amer. Ind.E-
    Hyaraic5Old AbyssianS Central-
    Iaurdanael5?SW Central-
    Ioradja5Old SlavicCentral-
    Khuzdul1Old Norse/IslandicAll of Endor-
    Labba5Lapp/EskimoFar N-
    Linerin4Mesoamer. Ind.E Central-
    Lochan5Eastern Amer. Ind.SE-
    Melkorin1FinnishUtter N-
    Mordorin6QuenyaW Central-
    Mornerin4?NE Central-
    Nûradja6CzechW Central-
    Orcish4Scandinavian?All of EndorSee MERP
    Pûkael4Beaker/Debased CelticAll of Endor-
    Quenya2FinnishFar NW-
    Ralek5Western Amer. Ind.E-
    Rohirric6Old EnglishNWSee Riders of Rohan
    Tyran5?NE Central-
    Urdarin5AthabaskanFar N-
    Varadja6RussianW Central-
    Vulman5Eastern Amer. Ind.Far SE-
    Womarin4Eastern Amer. Ind.NW-