Profession Tables
Arhunerim are Dunlendings, Hillmen and Sarailenn Clansmen, Common Men are Rural- & Urban Men Eriedain are Beijabar, Cardolani N'men, Dorwinrim, Éothraim, Estaravi, Gramuz, Gwathlo Bargemen, Pinnath Ceren N'men, Rivermen, Woodmen and Eriadan - Dúnadan mix High Men are Arthedaini, Black Númenórean, Cardolani, Gondorians, Rhudaurians and Umbareans (Corsairs) Talatherim are Easterlings, Variags and Wainriders Easterlings are Asdriags, Odhriags and Kykurias Wainriders are Sagaths, Gathmarigs and Brygaths More to come... "Good" Races: Arthedaini, Cardolani, Gondorians and Rhudaurians "Neutrals": Arhunerim, Common Men and Eriedain. "Evil" Races: Talatherim, Half-Orcs, Half-Trolls, Haradrim, Black Númenóreans and Umbareans, and two sub-groups: - "Melkorin" Races: Orcs - "Stupid Melkorin": Trolls
Alchemist: No Beijabar, Éothraim, Woodmen, Halflings, Woses, nor
Animist: No Limitations.
Archmage: Only Elves and High Men. Chances for High Men to become Archmage are 0,1%, for Half-elves 0,5%, for Wood Elves 1%, for Sindar 5%, and for Noldor 10%. (d1000 roll is thrown if character with proper race wants to become an archmage.)
Arcist: Not Available.
Arms Master: No Dwarves, Halflings, Woses, nor "Melkorin".
Assassin: No Trolls.
Astral Traveller: Not Available.
Astrologer: No Beijabar, Éothraim, Dwarves, Halflings, Umli, Woses nor "Melkorin".
Barbarian: Only Beijabar, Woodmen, Dorwinrim, Dunlendings and "Melkorin".
Bard: No Dwarves, Halflings or Woses, nor "Melkorin".
Bashkar: No Elves, Éothraim, Lossoth, nor Halflings. Especially for "Melkorin" excluding Trolls.
Beastmaster: No Dwarves, Halflings, Urban Men nor "Melkorin".
Bounty Hunter: No "Melkorin".
Burglar: No Trolls.
Cavalier: Noldor, Black Númenóreans, Dúnedain, Éothraim and Umbareans.
Chaotic Lord: Only servants of Darkness. No Orcs or Trolls.
Cleric: No Trolls.
Conjuror: No Dwarves, Halflings, Beijabar nor "Melkorin".
Crafter: Dwarves, High Men and Elves only.
Craftsman: No Trolls.
Creator: Not Available.
Crystal Mage: Not Available.
Cultist: Only "Evil" Races and Arhunerim.
Dancer: No Trolls.
Delver: No Dwarves, Halflings, Woses, Beijabar, Éothraim, Rural Men or Woodmen, nor "Melkorin".
Dervish: Only Easterlings, Haradan and Variags.
Doppelgänger: Not Available.
Dream Lord: No Dwarves, Halflings and "Melkorin".
Druid: No "Melkorin".
Duelist: No "Melkorin".
Elementalist: Not Available.
Enchanter: Elves and High Men only.
Farmer: No Limitations.
Fighter: No Limitations.
Forcemage: No Dwarves, Halflings or "Melkorin". Extremely rare.
Free Thinker: No "Melkorin".
Gypsy: Arhunerim, Haradrim and Talatherim.
Healer: No Limitations. See Hands of the Healer for more info.
High Warrior Monk: Only Talatherim and Elves. Others may choose HWMonk only if they have really good reason for that.
Houri: Haradrim only.
Illusionist: No Dwarves or Halflings, nor "Melkorin".
Lay Healer: No Limitations.
Leader: No Limitations.
Macabre: Servants of Darkness only.
Magician: No Trolls.
Magus: Not Available.
Maleficant: Southern Haradrim
Mentalist: No "Melkorin".
Monk: No Limitations.
Montebanc: No Dwarves, Halflings or Woses. No "Melkorin".
Moon Mage: Not Available.
Mystic: No "Melkorin".
Necromancer: No "Good" Races nor "Melkorin" Races, nor Dunlendings or Rural- or Urban Men.
Nightblade: No Dwarves, Halflings nor "Melkorin".
Noble Warrior: Dúnedain, Éothraim and Good Elves only.
Paladin: Either Black Númenóreans, Corsairs and Evil Elves (Evil Paladins) or any "Good" or "Neutral" race, except Lossoth and Woses.
Power Master: Not Available.
Priest: No Limitations.
Professional: No Limitations.
Ranger: No Dwarves, Halflings nor "Melkorin".
Rogue: No Limitations.
Romantic: No "Melkorin".
Runemaster: No "Melkorin", nor illiterate races.
Sage: No "Melkorin".
Sailor: No Beijabar, Dwarves, Éothraim, Haradan, Halflings or Woses.
Scholar: No "Melkorin".
Science Fantasy No Profession: Not Available.
Science Mage: Not Available.
Seeker: No "Melkorin".
Seer: For NPC's only.
Shadow Mage: Servants of Darkness only, but no "Melkorin".
Shaman: Only Lossoth, Umli and Woses.
Sleuth: Only Urban Men.
Sorcerer: Servants of Darkness only, no "Melkorin".
Tarot Mage: Not Available.
Thief: No Limitations.
Trader: No Limitations.
Warlock: Servants of Darkness only, no "Melkorin".
Warrior: No Limitations.
Warrior Mage: No Dwarves or Halflings, nor "Melkorin".
Warrior Monk: No Limitations.
Witch: Only Lossoth, Easterlings, Haradan and Variags.
Witch Hunter: No Easterlings nor Variags.
Wizard: No Dwarves or Halflings, nor "Melkorin".